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Health, Safety and Environment

Safety first!

The Freudenberg Sealing Technologies factory in Kecskemét considers it extremely important to prevent workplace accidents. Our goal is zero accidents.

During the production and handling of our products, we create working conditions that ensure the health, safety and physical integrity of our employees.

We act responsibly to fully comply with the Hungarian legal regulations affecting our operation, and the internal regulations of the Freudenberg Group, which are stricter than the applicable legal requirements.

We actively participate in promotions of the Freudenberg group of companies concerning work and fire protection, and with the involvement/help of our employees, we enhance the conscious development/development of health and safety. We help the safety-seeking behavior of employees with training and further training, leadership by example and the introduction of other incentive solutions.


Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Ltd. is committed to representing and enforcing business conduct that is based on integrity, honesty and ethics. To this end, the Company operates a whistleblowing system to handle whistleblowing under the law:
Act XXV of 2023 on Complaints and Whistleblowing of Public Interest and on the Rules for Reporting Abuse
- EU Directive No 2019/1937 (on the protection of persons reporting infringements of EU law).

Based on the decision of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Ltd, the whistleblower reports are investigated by a whistleblower protection lawyer independent of the Company and a report (response) is provided to the whistleblower on the outcome of the investigation.

Name and contact details of the whistleblower protection lawyer:
e-mail: panasz.freudenberg@gmail.com
Heinek Law Office (1023 Budapest, Ürömi utca 42-44.)
orally: If the whistleblower would like to make a personal appointment or to make a verbal report, he/she can contact the whistleblower protection lawyer at the above e-mail or postal address or by telephone at 06-30/395-1861.

The whistleblower protection lawyer who investigates the report will notify the whistleblower within 7 days of receipt of the abuse report (the report will be received, filed and an acknowledgement of the fact of the report will be sent).

Trust Center

Information Security

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies (FST) is committed to a high level of information security and privacy and is proud to implement industry regulations and best practices. Adherence to these policies not only ensures effective information security protection, but also underscores our commitment to protecting the privacy of our stakeholders.

Environmental Protection

FST Sustainability

Since its establishment, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Ltd. has been actively involved in the protection of the environment and natural resources, thus ensuring sustainable corporate operation and development.

Its primary goal is the continuous improvement of environmental performance, which it strives to achieve with conscious and planned steps. It doesn't just talk about it, it also acts, so it fully complies with the Hungarian legal regulations affecting its operation, the European Union directive, the Freudenberg - concern-level internal regulation and the consequences system of the MSZ EN ISO 14001 standard.

As a responsible company, it continuously informs all its employees about its environmental protection guidelines and their development. By organizing various environmental protection programs, it trains and motivates its employees, thus promoting the development of a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Participates in environmental protection events organized by the local municipality, thus supporting social responsibility and management.

Close-up of a leaf with green light CO2 on it.


Following the principles of Sustainability and supporting Group-level objectives, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Ltd. also launched carbon dioxide emission reduction projects. Its goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2025. The objective, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, is to be achieved by finding and implementing projects related to individual reduction opportunities within the plant, in addition to complying with EU and domestic legislation.

Power transmission tower under blue sky with clouds and piercing sun rays

Energy Management

In the recent period, the rational use of energy carriers has become increasingly important, so our factory pays considerable attention to the conscious and efficient use of electricity. In the spirit of energy challenges and sustainable development, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Ltd. operates an MSZ EN ISO 50001 Energy Management Management System. By supporting the standard, we also measure, monitor and analyze our energy consumption, optimize our current energy consumption and implement further action plans to improve our energy management performance. Innovation is present in all our processes, beyond the operation of the machines to the lighting system.

Big city with skyscrapers

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